EMail can be a powerful way for businesses to communicate their message. It’s an affordable, and easy way to reach a wide audience at one time. Like anything else, it can come with a learning curve. Used right however, eMail can dramatically increase the power of your marketing. Here are ten suggestions that can help, in no particular order.
Don’t Be A Pest
Nowadays, many people have instant access to their eMail right from their smart phones. This can be a double-edged sword. Use your powers wisely, and make sure you are providing information that the people on your list care about.
Offer Value
If you can prove your value to your list, what you send out can result in increased business. Do you have a blog of value? What about some recent samples of work, or a new product or service? These can all potentially provide value, and allow you to establish trust.
More Than Just A Sell
People quickly grow tired of the hard sell. You can also use eMail to educate your customers, and establish a relationship of mutual trust. Blogs, articles, and examples of your work are all ways to do this.
Create eMails That Are Opened
It’s hard to compete for inbox space. Some people receive hundreds or thousands of eMails in a day. According to, a highly effective subject line for receiving opens is the simple phrase “You are not alone.”
Timing Is Everything
There are no established days and times that work best for getting the most eMail opens. That being said, there is a lot of spam sent during the evenings and weekends. Mondays are busy, and on holidays people don’t pay as much attention. The best thing to do is test.
Plan Before You Send
It’s good to have a general idea of what you want to accomplish in a given eMail campaign. There are several good reasons for eMails, including a letter announcing a new service, a newsletter update on your business, or a reprint of an article you contributed to an industry publication. Those are just ideas.
Use HTML Templates
Your eMail needs to stand out quickly to have the desired effect. Most eMail programs offer the use of HTML templates. This is a quick way to improve the look of your message.
Manage Your Database
Make sure that the people you are sending information to are ready and willing. You can also put simple sign up forms on your website to get more signups. Giving away an eBook, and collecting eMail addresses at the point of sale can also expand your list.
Remember Your Existing Clients
EMail is also an excellent way to stay in touch with existing customers and clients. Make sure you remember them when you are creating your lists.
Be Professional
Remember that this is going out to your most valued business contacts. A nice template, with clean, well-worded copy goes a long way.